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Who Rings From 0300 Numbers?

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MWG14 | 13:42 Tue 27th Aug 2019 | Spam & Scams
16 Answers
Who keeps ringing me from various 0300 numbers?


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Put the number into Google.
Question Author
I already have but no info.
They are simply non-geographic
They are issued to Government Departments and non profit making organisations and cost no more than the national rate to call.
Question Author
I don't call them - they keep calling me!
the "give blood" people use 0300 numbers
Could be a charity looking for donations, or an increase to any you already make.
Question Author
So it's a bit of a mystery. I don't answer the calls anyway but I was just curious.

Thank you for your replies.
Ubasses, I know of at least two 03 numbers that relate to private firms.
if you are curious - just pick up!
was it 0300 Danny? I know my bank uses 03457, meaning I get the call at local rate.
Ubasses both 0330
That second 3 explains it.
A genuine 0300 number is one that's charged at a local call rate. They tend to be used by banks, utility providers and public services (such as health providers). Such numbers usually show up straight away though when you put them into Google.

However it's possible to enter fake numbers into the Caller ID system. ( ). Spammers and scammers often do exactly that in order to make it look as if an incoming call has come from a trustworthy source. I suspect that's what's happening in your case.

I dialled 1471 last week and found that I'd had a missed call from a number on the same exchange as my own. I thought that it was probably just someone phoning a local Chinese takeaway, whose number is annoyingly just one digit away from my own, but I reached for my contacts list anyway just to check that the call hadn't come from someone I know, as the number seemed rather familiar to me. It was only at that point that I realised why the number looked so familiar - it was my own! (A spammer/scammer must have been using a system that injects the phone number that's being called into the Caller ID system in the hope of bypassing call-blocking systems).
Maybe someone wants to wear your resistance to having a "smart" meter, down.

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