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Is This A Scam ?

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Canary42 | 18:24 Fri 18th Oct 2019 | Spam & Scams
10 Answers
The Government will give £350 million extra every week to the NHS when we implement Brexit

. . . or is it another case of mis-selling (in which case will we get compensation ?)


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Where have you seen this, this time? I assume you aren't still confused by the bus...
Neither, just a remainer propaganda rumour.
No, not mis-selling; just another case of a misunderstanding- possibly a deliberate misunderstanding on your part
Canary 42, yes you are quite correct, it is not so much mis-selling, it is the usual B/S from Boris the LIAR. He just can't help it.
In any case, we have to pay - what is it? 33 billion - in the ‘divorce’ bill. Well done everyone
yes, if HoC hadn't tried everything to drag this out / try to ensure we don't leave it would have cost less.
I disagree with paying anything to leave.
it would be nice to pay nothing but we have some contractual obligations to pay something and we are apparently going to get some benefits in return, but I think a no deal is the only way to slash the bill
can't do links on my phone but full fact org website covers this well.
I see gulliver still has nothing Constructive or meaningful to Say.
Never saw the proof of these claimed contractual obligations. That encourages me to reckon they just tried it on.

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