I've Received An Email Stating That The... in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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I've Received An Email Stating That The...

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sandyRoe | 13:28 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

... address on a package to be delivered to me can't be read.  They're asking for my address and give a mobile phone number to call.

I'm not expecting anything in the post.

What use would my address be to them if this is some type of scam?

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As a friend used to say 'has a fish got a waterproof head' or 'do bears ... woods'

Obviously. The more info you give to scammers, the easier it is to get scammed.

If the address can't be read how do they know it's for you?

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If I'd placed an order for something I might have gave a contact email .

I won't be answering them.


They want your address and your phone number and by replying, they know your e-mail is correct and active.

It all helps someone to pretend to be you.

I've had to provide the email address of people I'm having packages sent to (as well as the actual address). I think it's unlikely that it can't be read - if they have a form, containing your email address, your home address should be redable surely? (I can see an address being illegible if it was scribbled on a package... but in that case, they'd have no contact details for you...)

As i said before sandy give them all your bank details,etc.If your bank account gets emptied then it is definitely a scam,if your bank account doesnt get emptied then it is not a scam.Sorted.

 I had a similar email yesterday. I ignored it, as like you I'm not expecting any packages to be delivered to me.

Yes it's a scam .... just ignore it.

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I'm sure your advice is well meant but if an innocent, naive, ABer saw it and did what you suggest it might lead to financial ruin and destitution.

I am surprised the post by ynnaf has not been removed.

I know it's meant as a joke, but it's not funny at all

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