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Listener 4834 Bygone Characters By Shark

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HawkCrossword | 22:01 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Crosswords
2 Answers

There's so little given away in the preamble about the mechanics of this puzzle, I can't really say a lot about it here. But there is a lot to say, and it's a very clever construction which led to me getting the entire toolkit out to crack it. I think that's the third time this year I've had to do that for a non-numerical.

Well done, Shark, and thanks!



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Quite an exceptional construction. The preamble is very clever -- it gives just enough away to be able to proceed.

This will surely be a POTY contender at the close of play.

Many thanks, Shark. Amazing.

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Listener 4834 Bygone Characters By Shark

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