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Euro Match

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Dodger666 | 18:12 Sun 17th Jun 2012 | Football
16 Answers
I have just watched an entertaining European football match on BBC2 between two teams who didn't, spit, swear, roll on the floor in agony, try to con the ref etc, etc, etc.

It was a European 2013 qualifier between England and The Netherlands women.

England won 1-0. Well done girls for 90 minutes of good, fair play.


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You can see big girls' blouses in the Euro 2012 games.
18:33 Sun 17th Jun 2012
I wonder who'll be the first to ask if they swapped shirts at the end...?
Me. And I missed it, if they did, Damn!
You can see big girls' blouses in the Euro 2012 games.
wish i was in the bath looking for the soap afterwards!!!
Women playing football, I don't know what the world is coming to. They will be thinking that they can drink pints of beer next tut tut ;-)
My aunty used to play cricket...I thought only men were that boring :-)
"I have just watched an entertaining European football match"

If by entertaining you mean poor quality then yes you did.
Was Jogger watching it?

No, she was off watching international netball....
Hey-up, ummmm, my niece is playing county cricket at her age group, (14) - fast bowler and already has sized 9 boots...(about 5-8 now), so none of this deriding of women playing the truly beautiful game.

She also plays for her town's 2nd XI with the (adult) men and has now been promoted to no 8 in the batting (not rugby). And she's just made the Northern hockey squad for under 16s.

Having said all this, her Aunt was also an opening fast bowler, and a netball player (just to keep JJ happy). JJ - its the cousin to the one playing netball at regionals and half sis to the England intl.
I don't watch women's soccer for the football. But it's better than watching Colchester play. Nobody watches Colchester for the football, either; they only go because they're deluded about that, or they've just found that the zoo down the road is shut.
Womens football is a joke
Its not an exaggeration to say that it's playground football...but they try bless 'em!

Goalkeeping is always special.
Womens rugby is pretty good one of the best matches I have ever seen was a womens match between England and the ferns (lady all blacks) at Twickenham passing was immaculate and there was no shortage of aggression... Kicking was pretty good too maybe not as far but pretty accurate It followed on from a mens international and those who stayed seemed in agreement it was worth it...
God I HATE ~#~~ing Football. Please let it be over soon its worse than a dose of nori virus with a cough.
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It certainly wasn't poor quality. It was more entertaining than some of the rubbish served up in Euro 2012.
The quality of football at Euro 2012 has been fantastic the only remotely boring game was us v France.

If have no complaint about womens football, but not one international team wouldn't get relegated from Division 2 and probably the conference.

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