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excelsior-1 | 21:13 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | Football
22 Answers
and we know what will happen now.....


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Guess that's it then.
England have been so unbelievably lucky so far that they'll probably win...
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that's the spirit mark
Fingers and everything crossed then.
Oh boy.........
I hope England remember how to kick a ball
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including my legs...i dare not go to the loo yet
But I wish some-one 'd have the intelligence to show it elsewhere so that the rest of us could switch the TV on knowing the schedule could be believed
oh dear ashley
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serves them right.

i could have written the script
No more than Italy deserve. The England team was outclassed in every way on the night.
Ashley is not a popular name right now.
Well they certainly couldn't pass ball without giving it away that's for sure.
the Germans will be trembling in their boots.
Why has nobody told me about the Red Button no commetary option before now.
No whining, sarky, witless Lawrenson. Bliss.
In terms of quality the better team won. Despite resolute defending by Johnson, Terry et al, who all played very well, it is a long time since I saw an Italian team so inept at putting the ball in the net.
well apparently now we have to support the portuguese after Mr BM's father. I had to point out that the last time the scots won was 698 years ago today........
Tut ..Jno ..please don't be beastly to the Germans :))
//I had to point out that the last time the scots won was 698 years ago today........ //

Only relevant to those who still live in those times.
Some of us have made it to the 18 Century. :-)
Hell Howard, I score whatever points I can!!!!!!

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