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ManC v Ajax

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bibblebub | 21:03 Tue 06th Nov 2012 | Football
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They’re getting taken to the cleaners!
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Good clean goal!
arsenal doing well though. 1-0 walcott
2-0 giroud. get in!
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Arsenal often seem to scrub up well when needed.
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1-2 at half-time - if city are to win this game they're gonna have to cut through the opposition defence like a white tornado.
Too many jokes about "Ajax cleaner"!

But to be honest a typical Man C performance in Europe this year.

I wonder if Mancini will go after their terrible Champions League results.
p.s. I think Man C should "wipe the floor with them" in the second half !
If they don't come back and win they'll be scouring the transfer market for better players.
Man City are going down the toilet - a flash in the pan !
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they are not going to be brushed aside
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Mancini won't quit - a loss won't deter that gent
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they're looking to polish off the Dutch with a sparkling performance for the last 15 minutes
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draws all round
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the ref took the easy way out
absolutely disgraceful refereeing and I am far from being a Man City fan.
Yeah 2 draws with Ajax-but never mind ,it's all the Refs fault innit ?
Mancini won't quit. Agreed.

But if they are out of Champions League he needs to stay in contention in the League. If they slip into fourth, fifth, sixth by New Year he will get the push.
The ref got the penalty claim wrong, but Citeh haven't been good enough in Europe; it's as simple as that. As Gromit says, he needs to be well in contention in the league or he'll be getting his P45, and third or fourth is generous. He needs to be top at Christmas, or behind by a very slender margin.

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