Hi All with the heap of fixtures played over Christmas and New year here is how Answerbank Fantasy Football league is looking, All teams have played 20 games:
Pos. Team. (Goals). Points
1. Wordsley Baggies (47)...1060
2. Lie-in United (60)...1059
3. Mighty WBA (54)...1045
4. Robs Robbers (58)...1038
5. Lie-in Too (44)...1018
6. Robs Robbers (53)...973
7. Hugo Mugget! (52)...966
8. X-RAY ROVERS (47)...936
9. Trident Dwibblers (46)...916
10. BENCHLOERYAN (43)...902
10. How Now Falcao (39)...902
10. beejays bears (23) ...902
13. Nogsys dinosaurs (37)...886
14. RYANCHLOEBEN (38)...842
15. CHELSENAL (36)...792
16. United City (25)...761
17. Oatcakes 11 (30)...758
18. beejays bruins (23)...743
19. red11 (26)...720
20. nags head (21)...628
21. Real Ale Madrid (20)...626
22. Carrot 'n' Booze (27)...600
23. Merlin Warrior Queen (6)...295
24. Happy Franklin (7) ...274
Only just past the half way mark of the Premier league so all still to play for... 'Its a game of two halves' ... ;-)
Keep those transfers... for wiser moments (After the window closes)
Keep going good luck all.
I'm pleased with the season so far but am down to 14 transfers left thanks to injuries & frankly inept performances from some players, so I could see some table slippage...
Thanks Ark.
Had a bit of an increase in points with Sundays games thanks to Costa and Lukaku and am now up to 8th place between your two teams.
The manager has been reinstated
I see that Robs Robbers have been toppled from the number one spot after several weeks at the top
I didn't have a look over Christmas so when I did... I noticed that Rob had been knocked from top-spot... and that Mighty's two teams had shot up the league.
The manager has been reinstated Somehow I thought he might be. lol.
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Answerbank Fantasy Football Latest League Table 4.1.16