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Tonyav ?

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Togo | 18:18 Mon 03rd Jul 2017 | Football
6 Answers
Not heard from Tony for a while, but he must be happy with the signing Of John Terry. Villa will have a chance with a defender who will put his body on the line. May pencil em in as promotion material in my annual punt.


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Last I heard he was going on holiday.
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Ta for that Mamy. I noticed he had not posted for a while, but thought the signing would rev him up.
Hopefully Mr Terry will make more effort for the Vile than John Hartson did for the Baggies. He was one of those fading footballers who take the money but feel like they have already retired.
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Somehow can't see Terry like that Hopkirk, but time will tell.
He will give 100% to whoever he plays for. He is a really strong leader and brilliant with the junior players. We will miss him, JT captain,leader,legend!!
Well he gave 100 per cent to his boyhood club, but will that transfer to his new employers? I have my doubts.

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