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Hearing Aid Wearers

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bednobs | 17:47 Thu 19th Dec 2024 | Body & Soul
11 Answers

hi, i have received my first hearing aid today, and am finding it all a bit overwhelming.  how long will it take me to get used to it? i am also slightly annoyed my phone which i only got this year does not enable streaming on the hearing aid, although it is compatible with the app, meaning i can control the volume from the phone (useful as my disabled hands are finding it difficult to press the volume button on the aid itself)



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You'll be surprised how quickly you adapt to it, your brain will soon start doing its job and filter out unwanted noise.

You'll be enjoying the birdsong in the spring.  

Try not to turn your hearing aid down except for unusual situations, you need to give yourself time to adjust. 


needs a lot of time and everything will sound awful then it all calms down again. good luck bednobs.


No Bluetooth??

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Yes it does have Bluetooth

Switch in bluetooth in settings and you can get phone conversations straight to your aids. Also if you play music on your phone, that will go straight to your aids also.

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My phone is not compatible.

OH manages with the loudspeaker function on.

We both gave up with ours bednobs, for different reasons.

OH didn't find it made much difference to his hearing (we were both told we had mild hearing loss) and I found they made my ears unbearably itchy.

We both persevered for months, the main difference we both found was tv volume didn't need to be turned up as high. As there's just the two of us though, it's not a problem.

Cant help with your incompatible phone, we both have iPhones and used them for altering the volume, etc. I wonder why your phone won't? Can you go back to where you got them from and ask their advice? We got ours from Specsavers on the NHS and can go to any Specsavers for free batteries and advice.

Vagus //and can go to any Specsavers for free batteries and advice.//

NMot any more, you can't. I went to Specsavers (Broad St, Reading) for new batteries and was told they're no longer NHS so I had to go to the Royal Berks Hospital. Check it out in your area if you decide to start wearing them again and need batteries.

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I have a Samsung a series which doesn't appear on the list of compatible devices. I don't really want to get a new phone but the streaming calls directly to my ear would be helpful as I can't hold the phone up to my ear. Apparently bhg, where we live you can get them sent in the post by requesting thru the app

Looks like you're out of luck then bednobs, if your phone isn't on the list. Did you get the aids from Specsavers, if so might be worth a visit to see if they can offer some advice.

yes, we got batteries through the post for ours.

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Hearing Aid Wearers

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