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Socks `n` Sandals

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carlton23 | 23:32 Fri 19th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
88 Answers
As there isn`t a post box for this question I`ll ask it here. Why do people think wearing socks with sandals is incorrect? I wear them in the house as my feet get uncomfortable and hot, and if I go out in warm weather they don`t get so hurt if a small stone gets underneath my foot and also my feet don`t get so dirty. I`m an old bloke and don`t give a damn what others think.


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If you're happy with it then it's not a problem...............
pmsl.....this post just reminded me..

My Uncle turned up at my house with his socks pulled up (mid calf) and wearing sandles. I laughed at him....his son told him that it was the new
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I'm always barefoot at home.

as craft says, if you're happy all is well :o)
I'm always barefoot at home as well sara...........the Tesco delivery man gave me a funny look as I opened the gate for him.....:-(
Good on you. The nice thing about getting old is that we care not what people think of us . If I am not already there, I intend to get more eccentric and dafter the older I get and I shall dress how I want. Comfort definitely comes first these days.

I hope you'd painted your toe-nails (9?)
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Mind you two don`t tread on a tack.
I'm a barefooter too Craft, winter and summer. Mind you, I always was!! Back in my Hippy Days I rarely wore anything on my feet.
It's OK at home, but the fashion police will be after you if you go out like that especially on holiday, My daughter gets on to her dad for wearing socks with sandals even on holiday, I've got photos of him on the sunbed with his socks on, it must be an old bloke thing Mr Ask won't change now.
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Hey Loftie, I look exactly like that, same sandals too.
I'm a barefoot girl as well....I also live in PJ's.
Me too ummmm. And people always assume I have only just got out of bed. I'm all for comfort!!
Ummm, don't shop at Tesco, by any chance?
My dad wears socks all year round.... and he lives in Spain for most of the winter... so yes he looks daft when he takes them off... but quite frankly who cares.....

when you have teenage kids slouching around looking like their jeans waistband is next to their knees and we have to look at grey boxers (clean ones if we are lucky)

w t f?
Reg....sometimes. The corner shop rarely sees me in clothes. I put clothes on if I have to leave the street :-)
I often garden in my PJ's!! Mind you nobody can see me in my garden. But who cares anyway
Ummm, You shop locally NAKED?!!!!!
I've developed a really bad habit of getting out of bed and going for a walk round the garden in the early morning sun - in just my dressing gown. Must stop it before I really scare someone.

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