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Terry stirring it?

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bibblebub | 07:39 Mon 21st Jun 2010 | Football
6 Answers
Do the other players support John Terry in all that he is saying or does he have ulterior motives (e.g. losing the captaincy) for causing trouble?


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He was really sweating when he was interviewed last night - we couldn't tell if it was because it was hot, or whether he was uncomfortable with what he was saying.
I fear we may never know.
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Surely something that gives a strong hint one way or the other will happen in the next 24 hours? Or will they all appear smiling, saying "it was good to clear the air"?
it is unlikely he would be sent out in front of the cameras without Don Capellos permission, I think it may be he is more 'positive' in front of a camera than Steven Gerr-errrrrrrd and is a little more eloquent I get the feeling regardless of what has happened he still acts like team captain and he's always been pretty brave when it comes to challenging management.
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So this yet another example of the media causing trouble?

They do like to do that if they can't have their own way e.g. as much access to the players or training sessions as they want.
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Terry stirring it?

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