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Mick-Talbot | 10:34 Sat 03rd Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Argentina or Germany

I will never forget the disgraceful actions of the Argentinians banging on the bus windows goading the England players. Scum. Or the fat cheating druggies hand of god.
C'mon Germany.


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I'd go for Germany as well..
Great game coming up this afternoon Mick, but I think the Argies will just about nick it........
I agree. The Germans aren't half as bad as some would have you believe.

There were also found to be the most intellectual and intelligent of all Europeans.
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Redman my question is more about who you want to lose, rather than who you think will win lol.
Don't agree. They bombed our chippy
Being as Germany is an European Country I would prefer them to win. Looking at the 2 Teams, Argentina have more options in attack so logically I am going for them.....
Stan Boardman 'The Germans bombed our Chippy' song !
I'll be starting my shift when the match kicks off :-(

Diego's hand of God goal still burns bright in my memory so I'll go for Germany as well. At least Uruguay v Ghana didn't disappoint and there's always Paraguay v Spain for me to look forward to, when I finish tonight.
i dont care cos i think football is poo its just men kicking a ball up and down a field and get loads of money for it the army should get more footballers are playing for th country but the army are fighting for their country its wrong
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dimple, I don't think any of the current German football team had anything to do with bombing your chip shop. Were as Diego Madonna cheated us.It still hurts when I see the fatso on the tv screen.
I was only 9 at the time, and it hurt badly.
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^ stick them in your answer Rach, I was getting out of breath reading that.
I am just enjoying watching argentina.... some of the most exciting stuff....last nights result made me mad though, if we are going to focus on hand ball, god is supporting Uruguay..
i am submitting an answer no wrighting a novel lol
germany..and i say that through gritted teeth...
Agree with you rowan, we don't need an all South American Final.
Holland v Argentina would be good though!
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Rowan, a penalty for a goal line handball like that should be taken with no goalkeeper.
I think as it would be a certain goal if it had not been handled the goal should be awarded like in rugby where the ref can award a penalty try.... I think his courage in going straight back to take his turn in the shoot out was immense just so unfair.... I would have preferred an African team to get through
I want Germany to stuff Argentina so we can see Maradonna crying.

Holland to win the World Cup though :-)
Majority of the England squad would still fail to get it in, Mick. lol

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