Fines for breaking EU law in The AnswerBank: News
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Fines for breaking EU law

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david51058 | 11:51 Wed 26th Jan 2011 | News
6 Answers
When you hear on the news that the government or even local councils will be fined if for example they didn't achieve their recycling quota, who exactly gets fined and what happens if these fines do not get paid? Does anyone get sent to prison and if not why not just ignore it?
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You might as well ask why not break any of our treaty obligations

At the heart of it is if you want co operation from other nation states - you have to honour your obligations to them.

You might think we don't need co-operation from anyone else we're fine as we are we don't need anybody.

Then you realise you're starting to sound like a stroppy teenager who doesn't understand about how the world works
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You still haven't answered my question
I thought I had - OK I'll spell it out.

International treaty obligations may have fines associated with them but they can't exactly send the Balifs around.

That means in order to enforce compliance other signatories will not co-operate with our agenda and obstruct things that we want to get accomplished.

You may say fine let them because you personally have an agenda around withdrawing from the EU but no major political party has that as a policy and understands the importance of playing nicely with the rest of Europe.

remember the EU is not some bunch of "Other" nations - we are one of the largest EU countries and large numbers of the "Faceless EU" are British workers and diplomats working for our best interests in a united Europe
Stroppy teenagers aren't always wrong Jake.
Well lets put them in charge of the country then.

First act of parliament - You're all horrid and I'm not talking to you until I get my way

Actually isn't that UKIP?
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Thank you for your answer, it was very interesting. However, France don't seem to have any problems ignoring EU rules that don't suit them. Why do we always have to do what we are told to the letter and sometimes above and beyond?

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Fines for breaking EU law

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