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bibblebub | 18:41 Sun 07th Apr 2013 | Other Sports
15 Answers
Could be a good day for the Brits.

Halfway through the Moto2 race and Scott Redding is leading...


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so close but no cigar - 2nd
Never mind that....go Vale!!!
My support is split this year TBH, I want Vale to do well but I can't help wanting Cal and Bradley to do so aswell! Still, should be a cracking season though.
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it's good to have the doctor being competitive again
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spoke too soon
The Doctor is calling! :-)
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cal spooked
Oh, he's back!
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oh yes, he sure is!
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great stuff, this could be an exciting year
I hope so.
That Marquez is going to be a good challenger I think.
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yep, and Lorenzo looks to be right up there
If he maintains that form he'll be unbeatable.
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if only Vale hadn't made that early error... but there's always next time
As you can see from my avatar I am a Doctor fan.
The Honda was poor on corners especially for Pedrosa, Rossi flew past Dovi to almost run into an overly slow Pedrosa. If it wasn't for that he maybe could've pressured Lorenzo.
Last season for the 1st time I can remember, Lorenzo started to show signs of crumbling from Pedrosa's pressure and I think Rossi will have seen that. Being the master of grinding down opponents that will be his focus this year. He wore away Gibernau and Stoner and will be looking to do the same to Lorenzo.
It's no coincidence that Moto GP just got exciting again as when you recall all the classics of recent years they all feature No.46.

All that aside I'm always looking for a number 2 rider and after the sad demise of Simoncelli I've been looking for a replacement and I think that rider is Crutchlow. I do love a rider who not only has talent but also attitude!

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