Sorry about late reply Talbot not so much a argument as a little rant as some abrs have from time to time, I can listen to Sue Barker when she is on Wimbledon, or Clare Balding at the National, but Hazel Irvine just gets on my nerves.
Ichkeria the Kray Twins love it glad I did not get mixed up with them.
THECORBYLOON my World Champ friend could well have been mixed up with things, but he was known as a gent in the game.
I do not think that every frame of every match is fixed, just that it does go on with the now international interest these players tour China Thailand etc. you may well be aware Stephen Lee is banned until 2025 for match fixing, and some other players have been investigated.
yogi-bear like you I love to play the game but not much time for watching, would that be Joe Johnson the next door cat was licking.O:-)