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Noisy tennis players

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Bummle | 17:32 Fri 24th Jun 2011 | Sport
45 Answers
I do wish they wouldn't make so much noise when they hit the ball - I understand about effort and aggression psychology but in my day they could play good tennis a great deal more quietly


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just what i said the other day, its so distracting and off putting.
You never heard Martina do that, nor steffi, so why do these amazons do it, gamesmanship, or should that be gameswomanship, that's a mouthful
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I think you are the only one who listens to my grumpy old rants, em10
I always think they sound constipated!
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The grunting they make sounds very like another kind of physical exertion, which can not be mentioned on a family site! There I said it, but you were all thinking it.
really? Maybe you're doing it wrong, JonnyBoy
the noises put me off i dont bother watching anymore!
I thought the powers that be were going to try and stop it, Sharapova must be the worst, it seems like a form of cheating to me by putting your opponent off her game.
even constipated you wouldn't sound that bad, hope someone has the tissues ready.. ew
I totally agree and wish they wouldn't grunt! I always used to watch Wimbledon and enjoy it, but when the grunters came onto the scene it put me off and I've never gone back to watching. Such a shame because in my opinion they have ruined what was an enjoyable to watch sport.
Noticed that today. The Mrs was watching while I was upstairs and I thought she had a porno on
The grunts are bad enough but the squeaks and screams from so-called lady tennis players are yuck

Grunt 15 Screamer ...15 all ugh People pay to listen to tehm!! Beggars belief
Azarenka makes Sharapova seem quiet..............
It is rather off-putting. Seems to be mostly the women who do it.
spectators grunted back when Azarenka left the court
lol tambo she's just bloody ridiculous isn't she...........the longer her rallies go on the louder her screams get.
The women this afternoon sounded like a pair of screeching peacocks.
I take it none of you have learnt karate.........

Breath out and say ooossshhh when you throw a punch or a kick. It is the same principal.
tennis is not karate
If you do that it makes the force even harder.

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