1, Have you been watching the Rugby World Cup? SOME..
2, Are you worried about getting hit by the falling satellite? ..NO
3, What`s your view on Dale Farm..Evict or Let them stay? ..EVICT
4, Deal Or No Deal Thursday..when she won the £250k, cry or no cry or not watch it? ...NOT CRY, MAINLY BECAUSE I HATE THE PROGRAMME..HAPPY FOR HER THOUGH :-)
5, Tighten your belt or spend as if nothings changed? .... SPEND LIKE NOTHINGS CHANGED....DIDN'T SPEND MUCH ANYWAY.
6, For a starter, Mozzarella and tomatoes with basil, or Portabella Mushrooms with melted cheese and chillies ...MUSHROOMS
7, Favourite Radio Station? BBC2
8, Favourite TV show? CASUALTY/HOLBY CITY/EE
9, Most Favourite TV personality? FRANKIE BOYLE
10, Least favourite TV personality? SIAN PHILLIPS
11, Your favourite joke?