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Let The Countdown Begin: Wales v France IRB World Cup Semi Final

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Philtaz | 17:06 Wed 12th Oct 2011 | Sport
89 Answers
Hope this prophecy comes to fruition!

The excitement is building in Wales, it's palpable!



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Wles v NZ would be nice.
French Team:
Maxime Medard; Vincent Clerc, Aurelien Rougerie, Maxime Mermoz, Alexis Palisson; Morgan Parra, Dimitri Yachvili; Imanol Harinordoquy, Julien Bonnaire, Thierry Dusautoir (capt); Lionel Nallet, Pascal Pape; Nicolas Mas, William Servat, Jean-Baptiste Poux

Replacements (seven to be chosen): Dimitri Szarzewski, Fabien Barcella, Julien Pierre, Louis Picamoles, Francois Trinh-Duc, David Marty, Cedric Heymans, Fulgence Ouedraogo, Jean Marc Doussain
I agree jno..but I can't see NZ beating Australia (much as I would love it) =)

Ah goes

The Final:
Wales v Australia.
I'm struggling to pick who I want to lose more;-)
Hi are alluding to NZ or Australia...right?!!! =)
Oh err yeah Noraq, of course;-) to go now..have to allow the mundane (work) take up my thoughts..dammit!!

Later fellow rugger buggers.
My Brother in Law is Welsh and he will be aboslutely insufferable if Wales reach the final and win, and therefore, for that reason alone, I'm hoping the French beat them.

Bad winners are worse than bad losers, and he is one of the worst winners I've ever encountered.
Indeed flipflop, it's not always how you win.....oh wait...yah,,it is. =)
Question Author
Less than 36 hours to go!

Don't worry flip_flop, we won't be too insufferebale.

Allez Les Rouges!
Well,,I love it's a 'proper Rugby thread'..well done ED.

tick, tick, poor nerves!!!
I've been on to Warren and told him I hope Hook has been honing his goal kicking...and that I want to see them up in the French 22 a lot..defence is solid, but scores are won in the opposition 22. He was very grateful for my input!!!

I know, I know..I'm a nutter..but what are you?!! =)
I'll be in my usual spot. (Behind the sofa, I'm brave)

That is a peach of a 'logo'

Is 9 AM too early for brandy to calm the nerves????
lol Alba..g'wan..have a little won't do you any harm...especially as you are already sitting on the ground behind the sofa.

Very rarely touch anything myself (I'm bad enough without it)...but I may well imbibe a little wine for my nerves sake tomorrow. =)

later Rugger Buggers.
An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman walk into a bar… watch Wales in the Rugby World Cup semi-final.

....and hopefully see their arses get well and truly spanked.

Allez les bleus!
I hope the Welsh gobble up the froggies.
This is dedicated to the Wales Team...especially 'my' Mike. =)
How about this story? That's what you call a fan!


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