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Barcelona Messi

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Mrbear23 | 22:05 Sun 06th May 2012 | Sport
11 Answers
Would Barcelona sell messi for one billion ££


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No way! Apart from the fact that he has stated that he wants to stay at Barca until he retires. You don't sell the goose that lays the "goalden" eggs!
Earlier this week Ronaldo claimed: "God sent me to earth to show people how to play football".

In a later interview with Lionel Messi, the journalist concerned bought up this quote, and asked Leo's view, he simply replied: "I never sent anybody."
Could anybody afford to buy him?
Yes, that is easily enough to persuade anyone to sell a footballer. If you consider Ronaldo, Kaka, Ozil, Benzema etc all sub 100M.

I am watching Barcelona SC vs Manta FC at the moment - Ecuadorian teams. Seems they get everywhere.
Howard, there's a Barca Basketball team, and the Futsal team are currently champions of Europe! Mes que un club!

I know
Wasn't sure Howard, are you a fan? Or an interested bystander?
I get my emails regularly from Barca.
Me too!

My Ecuadorian match has disappeared with Barcelona SC leading 2-0. I am doing likewise as I have things to do tomorrow.

Night all.
Buenas noches Howard

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Barcelona Messi

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