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Thanks for all your advice. I told him about how worried I was about him not taking them, and he's told me that he had no idea he wasn't taking them, I said that if that's the case then maybe it would be best if I gave him his meds instead. He's asked for one more chance, and said its just because he forgets and gets confused over days and thinks he has taken it. We've compromised and he's said that we will get a pill box and I can check it everyday and fill it, so I can know he's taking them.
I'm still quite upset and feeling a bit betrayed. But I'm feeling a lot less angry. I love him so much and I couldn't bear to see him in that position again. Woofgang, you can say its not a loving approach, but its not the case at all. Not only that, but he'd be devastated if we lost everything too. And sometimes I think it's things like that that make someone realise what they're doing.
Thanks for all your help though