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Tilly2 | 17:19 Wed 21st Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Can you help me with this, as I have forgotten.

In the context of Algebra:-

Plus+plus =plus
plus+minus =minus
minus+minus= it minus or plus?

I know I should know but........................... hey, ho.


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Do you mean adding or multiplying?

If you mean for example -4 + (-5) the answer is -9
There isn't a fixed rule for addition.

For multiplication and division it's

Positive x or / Positive = Positive
Positive x or / Negative = Negative
Negative x or /Postive = Negative
Negative x or /Negative = Positive
Sorry if the answer was brief- I was talking on the phone at the time when i spotted your question FAO me and I typed the reply whilst talking/listening
sorry I jumped in before factor too, but I was interested to know the answer!
Oh dear, this'll bring the nightmares back. :(
I first met factor by chance then we agreed to meet up...................
Do these help?
a+b≡ a+b
a+ (-b) ≡ a-b
-a+ (-b)≡-a-b ≡-(a+b)
a- (-b) ≡ a+b

(Here I have deliberately used the identity sign ≡ rather than an = sign)
No problem boxtops.

sibton - that was supposed to be a secret. (Actually I don't know what you are saying....)
Oh I see sibton- a 'meet' and 'meet up with' reference. Sorry, it's been a long week
2 days - a long week? or have you had more?
3 days now...
I think desktop needs you.......
Question Author
Never mind desktop needing him. I need him to answer my maths questions otherwise I'll get fed up.

So, 3x-2 +x-5

Is that right?
In case factor's having his dinner yes it is Tilly.
Don't really understand "3x-2 +x-5 "

But using the rules I posted earlier (Positive*Negative=Negative) 4*-7=-28
That is right Tilly
thanks for not shouting at me
Your reward shall be great in AB heaven, murray...

At least it's not a skeleton, sibs!
wrong post - sorry
Hi Tilly- yes, I endorse what you, Prudie and sibton have said.
Sibton- I keep missing some of your posts thinking your avatar is someone else's (Lankeela's?). Will you be returning to the Debbie Harry pic at some stage?

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