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The Km Links Game - December Week 3 Results

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seekeerz | 01:09 Mon 22nd Dec 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Good morning everyone - very hot humid and overcast today, with all the makings of a socking great thunderstorm, luckily most of my pre-Christmas cooking etc is done and hopefully it will all clear out [weather I mean ] before things get really busy !!

Well what a shambles our links turned into - unfortunately my first printing of the puzzle was too small to be readable and after enlarging, the comments at the top were lost, so we were all in the dark.

And for those who don't receive the paper, the game was made impossible so ...

In my usual high-handed fashion, I've awarded 10 points to everyone who had the links correct, and 5 points to everyone else who made an entry or a comment or whatever. I don't have time today to score all that so I'll list the points scorers and sort it out before next weekend, but after this I do seriously suggest we consider giving the Christmas week puzzle a wide berth.....more on that later.

The 10 point score list -

tearinghair Chiefpanda masterchef the Gasbaggerties Prescott & Phyl
the Hewits HandbagLady x-ray elliemay1 wickedtongue kawakiri
Rose Maybud cliffyg twix123

The 5 point score list -

cupid04 baza Arksided iminoz modeste seekeerz janbee beejay1124 deecee131 tyrepill Fibonacci mallyh owllady rockfordill
BigMac scorpiojo tambourine Elspeth grannydi gen2 roopower
middlestump bryher sarumite AlwaysConfused Onty & Mrs Ont boxtops Butterbun devadiva Muzz 1ozzy lysander angler57
eccles & Mrs E Strix cannylad cpfcrosie

Ok that about covers it for now, have a great day Thursday, and I'll see you all next Saturday, cheers Steff


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Many thanks.Well done those who went with the authors.Your generous five points save me from a disastrous month.Wishing all a joyful Christmas Lysander
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Thanks, Steff, and Merry Christmas to you and the rest of the seekeerz family x
Thanks Steph.
Thanks Seekerz. Wish you a very merry Christmas. xx
Thanks seekeerz, I think you handled that situation very well.
I agree - you are right about giving the KM links a miss on the Christmas type puzzles - always different and sometimes difficult.
Hope you have a great Christmas.
Thanks seekz, mine were stabs in the dark, so I'm glad to have made the 5-point list!! Happy Christmas to you!
Early pressy, cinq point, yay. Merry Xmas look forward to more links in 2015

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The Km Links Game - December Week 3 Results

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