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Am I The Only One Watching The Fight??

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Smowball | 03:33 Sun 27th Aug 2017 | Sport
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thought you meant the aldi thread!
Just looked up the result. As expected. Why was Mayweather paid such silly money for this?
Jo....because lots of people were prepared to buy tickets for this lamentable "sporting" event, and the broadcasting companies were also prepared to spend huge sums of money......and because it was held in Las Vegas.

The money-grabbing tail is quite clearly wagging the sporting dog here.
McGregor got paid a stupid amount as well.
no fault of the boxers getting paid obscene much richer is the promoter!
I love sport, but I can't bear to see two huge men trying to bash each other's brains out, especially when it's as one-sided as this.
I like Olympic boxing where they're trying to score points rather than kill each other.
Could the mention of these fantastic purses just be part of the hype to build interest in the fight?
I wouldn't be surprised if the fighters were actually paid far less.
A good fight, see it here...
How much brain damage has McGregor suffered ? Brutal sport .
I agree Anne, It is brutal, however they make their choices and participate willingly. I just think fighting at that level it should be compulsory to have private medical insurance so they are not a drain on the NHS. I image this would be the norm in such a sport.
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I love sport, but I can't bear to see two huge men trying to bash each other's brains out,

These two are far from huge, jo.

And it was far from a good fight.
i think mayweather was playing with him for 9 rounds and then got bored
It was his last fight. I suppose he dragged it out.
That's just Mayweather's style and often why he receives boos from the crowd. As far as he is concerned he is there to win a fight and not entertain the crowd.
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I'm not a fan of boxing so I was only half watching it. McGregor did better than I expected especially as it's his first pro match.

I kept half expecting him to start kicking or something.
At 04.30am this morning the only fight that interested me .. was going on outside my window.
About 6 seagulls were going at it hell for leather over a burger bun !
You find watching Mayweather entertaining, Ozzy?

He wouldn't get in my top 30 (random number I just made up)
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