Pool Foul Or Not ?????? in The AnswerBank: Other Sports
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Pool Foul Or Not ??????

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fatgaz | 20:25 Tue 13th Aug 2019 | Other Sports
5 Answers
hi peeps, me and my mate were playing pool tonite now he plays for a team and i just play cause i like to, now during one game we were playing the new rules ??? and got down to the black ball now he missed potting the black ball and left it over the pocket and left me a very easy shot so i pocketed the black with the white ball but i used the butt end of the cue to pocket the black and he called foul shot !!!!!!!!!!!how can that be surely its up to me what end of the cue i use surely, is he right or did i win the game ?
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He was right. In current rules that's a "serious standard foul". Indeed, it would lose the frame as it involved the Black. http://www.epa.org.uk/wrules.php (M.4)
20:30 Tue 13th Aug 2019
He was right. In current rules that's a "serious standard foul". Indeed, it would lose the frame as it involved the Black.

http://www.epa.org.uk/wrules.php (M.4)
Around here, most of the pools are foul. I blame next door's cat.
A similar thing happened to me when I played the Russian pool champ, Inov The Red.
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hi peeps may i say thank you for your quick responses esp to jim360 yes i have read the rules and yes my mate was right, still not happy though :( and to the other replies ty for trying to cheer me up :)
You have learned a lesson, fatgaz. Stop showboating:-//

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Pool Foul Or Not ??????

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