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Brain Damage

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Canary42 | 15:31 Sun 29th Mar 2020 | Sport
95 Answers
They say boxing damages the brain. Seems it's true.

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pixie - // Well... I suspect it comes under emotional intelligence, at least. //

I'm inclined to agree - I was referring to academic intelligence.
Intelligence - or absence thereof - does not come into it.

By definition, boxers are not the brightest lamps in the street

Cue the linguistic gymnastics to explain the difference.
I think that was all ttt was including, as far as I could see.
Why has the perfectly legitimate answer to Pixie been removed?

I assume it must have been an accident.

Pixie, mods can remove threads they are involved in.
I meant 'posts on threads they are involved in'
I know....I had heard from two that they couldn't and seen part of an email from the Eds. But I'm not a mod, so may well be wrong. Sorry x
roy - andy-hughes
Intelligence - or absence thereof - does not come into it.

By definition, boxers are not the brightest lamps in the street

Cue the linguistic gymnastics to explain the difference. //

Not at all, it was a careless observation.
"Intelligent" and "Wise" are two adjectives which do not have the same meaning.
AH: "I agree - I think people who make jokes about domestic violence and serial killers are incomprehensible as well" - don't do that, you are better than that, you know full well I am addressing your opinion of pugilism. No one is in any disagreement with the domestic violence issue. The bloke's a wally regardless of profession, we all know that.
pixie; "but suggesting anyone is "intelligent" because they have academic qualifications" - generally those with degrees in proper subjects are quite intelligent. In the case of Nicky Piper he's in Mensa, so that puts him in the top 2% as measured by a generally accepted set of tests. I do agree though education and intelligence are different things but generally the better educated are the more intelligent.
Not at all, it was a careless observation.

It was wrong.
Not really, ttt. Academic is only one kind of intelligence, and not even necessarily the most important. I'm sure we all know incredibly bright people who never got qualifications, and equally hopeless ones who did.
As with everything, people are good at some things and bad at others, and I don't see how paper qualifications for a boxer, actually means anything much. It's probably pretty irrelevant here, so don't worry about it.
TTT - // AH: "I agree - I think people who make jokes about domestic violence and serial killers are incomprehensible as well" - don't do that, you are better than that … //

Don't do what exactly?

You make a tasteless and inappropriate 'joke' about a serial killer and you think I am wrong to pick you up on it?

How about, instead of deflecting the responsibility on me for your appalling 'humour', you apologise to the acknowledged number of female AB'ers who have been victims of domestic violence?
roy - // Not at all, it was a careless observation.

It was wrong. //

Acknowledged. It doesn't take ten years off my life to admit I have made a mistake. We all do that, it's why they put rubbers on the end of pencils.
TTT - // In the case of Nicky Piper he's in Mensa, so that puts him in the top 2% as measured by a generally accepted set of tests. //

All that proves is that he is someone who is good at passing Mensa tests!!!
Where has TTT made a tasteless and inappropriate 'joke' about a serial killer?
pixie: "Academic is only one kind of intelligence" - agreed nd I have not implied any different, do stop trying to put words in my mouth. All I said was that educated people are usually also intelligent, that's all I'm saying, I not saying the uneducated people are not intelligent. In fact mensa have a test for the illiterate, they accept that even people who cannot read and write can be intelligent.
"All that proves is that he is someone who is good at passing Mensa tests!!! " - Maybe to those that do the same test again and again, that's not most of them.
I'm not putting any words in your mouth, ttt. Just posting my own. I was in the top 1% to get into our grammar school here. And I couldn't change a plug, or work out how to test the oil in my car if you paid me. I know as well as anyone, that paper qualifications do not prove intelligence. I qualified for mensa too. But that is only one type of intelligence, and only how we measure it.

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