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Drinking Dangerous Levels Of Alcohol

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nailedit | 18:54 Sun 04th Jun 2023 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
and yet still functioning....
drinking up to 30 plus units a day,
(having savings doesnt help)
My bloods always come back as adequate.
Recently lost my job, spent time in
a psych unit, got a court case looming etc...

Just wish that i could have a heart attack and die!


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Okay then.
You're probably far more sane than most people here, Nailedit, and your alcohol-fuelled posts generally make a lot more sense than those from certain sober people here do ;-)

It's good to see you posting here, anyway, even if you're not going through the best of times at the moment.

You need to decide whether you really want to beat the booze or not. If you do, there's plenty of help available for you but there's no point looking for it if you're not really determined to win the battle.
Nails. Why this constantly beating yourself up? You are an intelligent guy, you are a conscientious, caring person. You’ve been seeking enlightenment forever, yet cannot find self peace.
I wonder if you suffer from a hormonal disorder. But suffer you do. You must start to love yourself a little, stop taking a negative opinion of yourself. You are a good man who cares.
So sorry you are so low, nailit
Sorry to hear that you've lost your job, Nails and that you are drinking to excess. I wish I could help in some way.
I'm really sorry to read this nailedit. I'd thought you were doing fairly well in your life. David's last sentence says it all.
"My bloods always come back as adequate" Maybe request a vibroscan and the results of that might scare you into doing something about your drinking.
Nails very sorry to read this but YOU are the only person who can decide what you want. If you want to beat your addiction there will be help for you but YOU have to decide what you want.
That's a shame nailedit, you were doing so well. I hope you can gradually turn your life around. Think of your darling little granddaughter..
the problem wih judging your health on blood tests is that you will compensate and compensate till suddenly you no longer can, and by that time, its too late to reverse it
Don't keep beating yourself up, Nailit.
If it is any help - a GP I know (and she's not alone) told me that they don't really start to worry until someone is drinking 10 times the official limit. I probably do somewhere near that, in a civilised sort of way. Have done for years. So have many people.
My daughter had Hepatitis E last year and her liver levels were way, way over any acceptable levels - you'd have had to drink yourself unconscious for weeks to get anywhere near them.
I'm not saying - 'Go on benders and don't worry about them', I'm trying to say 'Don't beat yourself up over it and add to your troubles'. You have enough problems.
Start to sort out your other problems one by one. The drinking will come down as you solve them.
Over the years on here, I have come to know you as a good, caring person. That person needs to come to the fore now.
Can't do much about the court case apart from decide how to cope with it. The psych. unit may have helped. Did it? You CAN do something about a job. This should help the other things. You used to volunteer, I remember.
I suggest you do so again. It will occupy you, be satisfying and stand you in good stead with courts and employers. You have my very best wishes and thoughts.

nailedit; jourdain has given good advice. Don't give up and die; we need you here.
And they say smoking is bad for you!
This is ridiculous. I am now worried about someone I have never met, and so are the others that have replied. Come on nails, you have pulled yourself back before, you can do it again. Think of your grandchild and keep posting here
good luck Nailit

your alcohol-fuelled posts generally make a lot more sense than those from certain sober people here do
Chris what a cruel way to desribe the ramblings and decisions of some of the mods - - really! a sense of decorum needed
and respect
ter daaah
( thank god no one is gonna understand that)
You've got a lot going on at the moment and I'm sure you can't see a way out of your problems, but drinking won't solve them.
Is there anyone you can talk to that will listen and understand?
Do you get help from the mental health team?
I don't know who can change your mindset but I don't think you can do it on your own.
Please give some thought about talking to someone.
If you've been in a psych unit. I'm sure you will have been given phone numbers of people who might be able to help, please phone them.
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Got no memory whatsoever of posting this...
Anyway am in court in a few weeks so its out of my hands now!
Just want to be away from this life.
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//Do you get help from the mental health team? //
3 days worth of valium followed up by a 3 day visit from mental health team.
Then left to it!
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I absolutely get why people wouldnt have any empathy with me!
But Im struggling to just be 'normal', whatever that is!
I'm drinking myself to death, like many friends b4 me have done.

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