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English National Anthem?

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miser | 10:45 Thu 30th Nov 2023 | ChatterBank
34 Answers

Do you think England should have an official anthem other than the UK 'God Save The King'



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yes, either jerusalem or land of hope and glory,keep god save the king for everything british.

Yes as the other countries have one.  In the Rugby World Cup the England captain didn't even sing the right words as he was singing God Save The Queen.

At the Commonwealth Games they play Jerusalem for English gold medalists. I'd prefer the National Anthem. I can get quite emotional about that. Jerusalem reminds me of dusty, old, boring hymn books.


Yes, it's been debated before.  I  would go for 'I vow to thee, my Country', or 'Jerusalem'.  The former might be better.

 I think we should leave religion out of a national anthem.

That's why I suggested 'I vow to thee'.  There's 'Land of Hope and Glory' as well.

Tub-thumping's a good, rousing number

Or what about Don't Stop Me Now? 😉

Yes, but not the hackneyed Land of Hope and Glory, or the drab Jerusalem - a new one should be commissioned (preferably via an open competition with the public choosing the winner.)

When The Boat Comes In?

Theme From Raft?

Stranger On The Shore?

La Mer?

// (preferably via an open competition with the public choosing the winner.)//

Because the public made such a good job with BoatyMcboatface!

the shedman making a bit of a booboo there! // as in 'In the Rugby World Cup the England captain didn't even sing the right words as he was singing 'God Save The Queen.' //

The Queen?? Or which World Cup, certainly not the recent one?

And Brexit. 🤣

Oh please let's NOT commission a new one. I can just imagine how it would have to pander to every minority under the sun and not have any word that might offend anyone in the world. 

Maybe one of ABBA's songs ,?

Slade? ^^^ :0)

Billy Connolly always said the National Anthem was dreary.

He suggested the theme tune from The Archers.

All together now....... dum-de-dum  etc...

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IMHO Thaxsted , the tune to I Vow To Thee, is a beautiful English tune and I would love to see it adopted as England's anthem - perhaps with new words. Thanks for your opinions.

Thank you miser.  I've played 'I vow to thee' on Remembrance Sundays and people always sing it ferven tly.  If you don't singthe second verst there is nothing religious about it - a new verse could be written.   There are no difficult high notes or anything.

Interestingly, it is not in the Anglican Hymn Book - so it is not associated in any way.

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Oops Thaxted

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English National Anthem?

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