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Come On Ks And Kc - Where Are You? Knighthood Time...

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DTCwordfan | 19:12 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Sport
4 Answers

The sportsman deserving a knighthood is not Gareth Southgate but it is Jimmy Anderson, 701 wickets as of this evening - the highest by any pace bowler world wide in 188 Tests. Magnificent career and a hell of a nice guy apparently.

Though I can accept the argument to allow the youngsters to come through, he's still got plenty of fire and is way up there in terms of the opposition fear factor and, IMO, he shouldn't be discarded yet...... Views?

Well done England today - a good start to build on tomorrow.



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Also, he's better looking than Gareth Southgate.

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lol, Tilly - I agree...

give it a chance he'll be on the list.

Something we agree on at last DTC😀😀

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Come On Ks And Kc - Where Are You? Knighthood Time...

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