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Good Morning Very Early Sunday Birds!

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Smowball | 05:48 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

So early here that can't really tell what the weather holds for today. Just that it is light and cloudy lol. Don't have anything urgent to do - I guess on a normal weekend at some point we would see the in-laws, usually for dinner, or a BBQ if nice etc, but since they moved a fortnight ago the usual weekend routine has changed. It's all very odd them not being up the road anymore, very odd. She (MIL) actually messaged me yesterday to say they were still settling in and wud we like to come for dinner & stay the night in a couple of weeks as they miss us. Not sure if they will end up regretting this move! 
MrSmow will be glued to Formula 1 today I'm sure, tho no idea what time it's on. Can't knock his dedication to watching sport -there aren't many that he won't watch lol! 



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'Morning Smow and those who are not so early ...  just now the pigeons wake me up with their coo-ing back and forth - wonder what they coo about? Weather is in decision mode and it seems a bit windy.  The Brits are doing quite well in F1 at the moment so might check in for the last few laps (don't watch the whole race). It's 2 pm. x

Morning, I've yet to look out so I don't know what the day is doing yet.

Morning all. My family will tell you I am not a morning person nd they are quite right so I will take myself off for a bit more kip so will catch up with you later

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Morning Haz - yes I don't mind watching it when there's a bit more competition for the race winner - not when it's Verstappen week after week after week lol......

We have two trees on the pavement outside so I know exactly what you mean about the pidgeons. Maybe coo-ing their daily gossip lol.

Morning Naomi - early for you, can you not sleep? If I get the chance to nod off for another hour or so I'll definitely try, as it's far too early to do anything lol.

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Morning Rosetta, you have another snuggle down under that duvet! Sounds bliss.

Good morning all. I'm ingesting the first coffee of the day - nectar! Daughter-in- law and grandson are staying and we're off to the local Thai restaurant (our son died five years ago) so not the traditional Sunday lunch. Then back home to mark what would have been his birthday.

Impatiens, my thoughts are with you x

Mine too.  X

Mine too

Thank you.

How did it go, impatiens?  A difficult day for you all.

Actually very well thank you Naomi. We always make a cake and this year I made it and daughter-in-law and grandson decorated it beautifully. We all remembered him after lunch and talked about the happy times.

Ahh.... so sad.  🥲  How old is your grandson?

He's twelve. Much too young to have lost his father.

I am pleased you have managed to celebrate the day with happy memories, Impatiens. It beats the alternative by a country mile. How lovely for your grandson to hear you and his mum talking fondly of your son. x

It's awful, just awful, impatiens.  Thank goodness he has a loving family around him.

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Good Morning Very Early Sunday Birds!

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