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Olympics - Sunday 28Th - A Thread For Results And Chat

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AnOtherMod | 22:07 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | Sport
20 Answers

A thread for real-time discussion and appreciation of Olympic events on Sunday 28th July.


Will contain spoilers and results, so don't look if you don't want to know.



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I know little about Amateur Boxing and care even less - but the reports here in Ireland are vehement that Aidan Walsh was stitched up by the referee and judges being unduly influenced by the vocal support for his French opponent.

Not my area and it's of expertise either but a similar protest is happening her in the east where our local girl from Lowestoft lost on points. It's always tricky when judges are involved in sport I think.

What is the large 'Y' shaped thing on the bows for please?

I watched the mountain biking, much longer and more difficult than I thought it would be.

I'm waiting for the conkers, when do they start?

After the pooh sticks...

I started watching the mountain biking, but husband wanted to watch the cricket. At times I changed the channel back to the bikes what felt like hours later, and they were still going! Not very exciting. 

I think I read somewhere that Andy Murray would be playing doubles at about 5pm. I'm looking forward to that. 

I think Murray should have retired gracefully ages ago - he can barely walk properly!

I know, but we love him! Great place to retire. All those free tickets to the best sporting events.

FERLEW, it's a stabilizer.



Thank you very much Corbyloon 😀

FERLEW, it makes you wonder how Robin Hood and William Tell did so well...

All down to pure Friar Tuck.

I've barely watched it today. Bit of hockey. Bit of rugby and a bit of tennis. Those line judges in the tennis aren't built for speed are they? Just the right build to lift your arm up, but nowt else!

What has Andy done to his hair?

Cloverjo, never mind Andy's hair* - GB fought back briliiantly and have made it through!

*Nadal's hair was showing its age too, I noticed that in his singles match.

How close was that men's final in the swimming?! I've not seen a joint silver deadheat like that before. 
Had it been a three way tie they would all have been awarded a gold! I wonder if that has ever happened in any event?

It most recently occurred as a two way tie for the gold medal in the High Jump 2020/1 Olympics. 

this olympic's is a farce,from the opening to the close

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Olympics - Sunday 28Th - A Thread For Results And Chat

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