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Gps Vote Overwhelmingly To Begin Industrial Action

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webbo3 | 14:50 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
18 Answers

GPs vote overwhelmingly to begin industrial action which could last ‘months’

Whats the betting labour cave in and give them what they want.

Labour loves the unions



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Will anyone notice?  Going by the abysmal service offered at my surgery since Covid, I doubt it.

This isn't about their salary though webbo, it's about what they need to keep surgeries open and provide the best care possible.

// it's about what they need to keep surgeries open and provide the best care possible.//

You are having a laugh arn't you?

This is just the start, offering 22% to jnr doctors has set the ball rolling.  Inflation here we come.

I was at my GP's last week. One of 3 people in the waiting room. One was making an enquiry at the desk, the other waiting to see the nurse. I was the only one to see a doctor. And yet when you ring up to make an appointment, you can't get one!!!



To think I banged a few pan lids to support these heroes and this how they repay me - going on strike!

Nailedit, for a telephone appointment I was given a date a month away - and all I wanted was a letter of referral to a private consultant.  I was about to save the NHS thousands but even so was obliged to seek a private GP for the purpose of obtaining the required letter sooner.  GP surgeries are a disgrace.

Well I had to wait 6 weeks for a telephone appointment about two dodgy moles on my back.  I was asked to send phots - which I did.  Then on the call the pillock asked what they looked like, I said they are on my back, he replied so what do they look like, the photographs I replied.  In the end he said he wanted to consult another doctor and came back wanting more photos.  How on earth can anyone make a call on a mole from a photo?

Anyway, I gave up and paid £300 for a private consutant, no problem at all for me but what do the poor do?

Many GP's are a disgrace, and yes my daughter is one, she is not impressed with many of them either.

GPs are in general not fit for purpose. Shame they have the power of denying certain medication approval to pharmacies that have knowledgeable pharmacists, who want to help those that can not even get to see one of the rare creatures.

Coulnt you self refer Naomi, thats what I did?  I did explain the circumstances though.

"GPs vote overwhelmingly to begin industrial action which could last ‘months’" - of course they do, they've just heard that Labour has given the junior docs a 22% rise, they want some of that action. Interest rates dropped today, a little comfort to the poor saps that voted labour!

They required a GP referral, YMB.  I wouldn't mind but it wasn't a trivial matter - I couldn't walk - but clearly the dozy receptionist didn't think that mattered.  I hate phoning that surgery for anything.

damn savages - fech 'em

I've yet to see anything that shows they are hard done by. Of course the salary they quote seems low but that's always for those at the start of tbeir career, and no one gets top whack then.


If they don't wish to serve the public perhaps they need to go private only, and see how big the market is for that.


Meanwhile the NHS needs to lpok for replacements who are happy with service clauses in their contract.

I don't know what it was about Covid that has rendered them incapable of running a decent service since.  It's been a few years now - long enough to get back to normal.

ymb, a friend of mine had his chest problem diagnosed by holding his phone to his chest. COPD was diagnosed which my friend later discovered he didn't have nor ever had.

Our gp is great. They operate a triage system and the doctor who is doing the triage decides if you need to see someone face to face or a telephone appointment would suffice.

The waiting room in our surgery is pretty much empty because lots of appointments are now done over the phone, the doctors don't sit there with feet up doing their nails, etc, they're doing telephone appointments.

Our surgery isn't back to how it was before covid, it's better 👍

I've no objection to phone appointments at all - in fact if they're appropriate I prefer them - but unless you have something wrong that may be life-threatening even those are hard to come by at my surgery.

Whenever I renewed my first aid courses, one of the first things we were always told was, "Before you do anything LOOK at the person, you can learn a lot on how the look". Why suddenly is this very important part of diagnosis no longer relevant?

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