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An Upsetting Sight- Someone Being Given Cpr Not Sure Why It Upset Me So Much Anyone Else Felt The Same

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gordiescotland1 | 23:27 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
3 Answers

Hi there this afternoon I got the bus from my home town to a city 20 miles away on a slow bus that takes 75 minutes just before it gets to the city it makes several stops inside the grounds and terminus of a major hospital. As the bus drove through the grounds I saw this man leave the phlebotomy ward a building in the grounds I looked at him and I thought he didn't look very well his face was bright purple, next second he collapsed on the ground and several people came running. The bus made its way to the hospital bus station round the corner dropped a few people off and came back by which time there was a crowd of doctors and nurses giving the man CPR we had to stop to let traffic past, at that point a shock was given with a defibrillator and a nurse ran with a screen to give the poor man some dignity. I prayed for him that he would survive or that God would give rest to his soul. It just kind of upset me because I saw his face and I saw him collapse and then a few minutes later I saw how serious it was. I don't know if his face all purple would have had anything to do with him collapsing. I know he was very overweight and it was a very hot day. It just affected me because it made me think that you can be here one minute and you can be gone the next. How fragile life is. I suppose the best place to have a cardiac arrest is outside a ward but scary, has anyone ever felt upset seeing someone being given CPR ? 
A very dear friend who had pancreatic cancer who was isolated in life and knew he was dying asked me and 2 others to be there at the end of his life 6 years ago, it was relatively peaceful apart from very noisy breathing at the end , I presume the morphine he was on. 



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I haven't been in that position but I'm not surprised you were strongly affected, gordy, I would be and I think your reasoning sounds exactly right.

I have had to do it twice plus last year had to pull someone drowning out the sea in Majorca. Life gurds did CPR and got her back, dont know what the end result was.


I think you just kick in and dont really think about it, well thats for me.  After when the adrenalin lowers you start to think more.

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An Upsetting Sight- Someone Being Given Cpr Not Sure Why It Upset Me So Much Anyone Else Felt The Same

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