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Fa Cup Preliminary Round

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piggynose | 17:56 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Sport
10 Answers

is 128 matches a little excessive?

has it always had these many teams involved in this competition or has it grown?

asking for a friend,




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Some info here:

(Note that the 'Preliminary Round' is actually the preliminary round of the qualifying competition, rather than of the FA Cup proper.  Teams have to get through a further four rounds before entry into the main competition).

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thanx  Chris, its a big article, will have a look at it in more detail later.

128 matches nationwide is not a lot from the lowest tiers

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07.33 right oh!

I have played in the F.A. cup from the extra preliminary round and got as far as the second preliminary round which was divided into north and south fixtures so as not to put too many travelling expenses on the clubs. There was set amount of money payed to the clubs for each round they progressed to.

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It's actually 134 games, 6 more matches today.

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Tindrum, whats the attendances in these games, I wonder?  Anything from 50- 500?

Probably about 500 although I did play in front of a crowd of over 1000.

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So Tindrum,were you semi- pro? If so, did you ever want to turn professional?

>>> "whats the attendances in these games, I wonder?  Anything from 50- 500?"

Attendances can be anywhere between about 100 and about 1000 but generally well towards the lower end of that range:

I've refereed Sunday league teams (in the later stages of their cup competitions) with bigger crowds than that!

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Fa Cup Preliminary Round

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