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Pantomime Puzzle

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maggieriorda | 23:56 Sat 21st Dec 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

Name these pantomimes from the clues

1. a grate performance sung my Ms. Fitzgerald?

2. He's a very noisy boy!

3. The cat's gone to the chemist (Puss in Boots - got that one)

4. I spotted the heavy comedian on the road to London with no 3 above.

5. This lad is destined for a vegetarian podcast.

6. A rum charcter mied up with scores of nickers up the road.

7. Forest children?

8. Narcoleptic attraction? (this must be sleeping beauty?)

9. A glittering hairstyle attracts ursine companions.

10. Suitable cover for a scarlet woman from Yorkshire?



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1 Cinderella 

7 Babes in the wood 

4 Dick Whittington?

5 Aladdin 

Aladdin should be number 2^

9 Goldilocks and the 3 bears

5 Jack and the Beanstalk

6 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

10 Red Riding Hood

10. Little Red Riding Hood

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Thank you everyone.  Merry Christmas 

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Pantomime Puzzle

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