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Poker - does it count as a Sport?

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joggerjayne | 00:01 Fri 12th Dec 2008 | Sport
18 Answers
The "Gaming" section doesn't seem to accomodate Poker ... so how about Sports?


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well there's always been a bit of a grey area about this I mean what is a sport:
Snooker? Darts? Poker? Socialist Baiting? Beardy Wierdy hunting.

Hey in the COTLDG we are just grateful to have the sport section back, thanks ED. JJ drink more wine, your fridge is blessed!
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In that case, counting "grey area" as a "yes" ...

I was distraught to read today that Jennifer Tilly is retiring from the pro poker circuit to focus on her acting career (for god's sake!).

And for anyone who doesn't know Jennifer Tilly, here is a picture of her belt buckle ... 1ea53e20c7.jpg

And THAT is why JT was such a fab poker player.
good girl, she can be an honorary member
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Wonder if she'd give me her buckle?

O yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First me I played along with my son who plays regurarly with his mates and he was astounded when he 'taught' me that i got it and blew him away.It was a laugh tho as he knows really tho that I am not a sucker but even he was suckered in -beauty!!

I now have my own set but no-one will take me on as I want hard cash lol.

Its a brilliant very clever game and I love it as it as it is a very smart cool game.

I love all sports and I have to say i am so pleased that Sports is back -I have missed the craic.

Loook forward to all the old timers xxx

Can we add some more?? What about the much maligned but traditional game of brag? I've won quite a bit of money playing that!
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I don't even know the Rules.

My game is Blackjack. But ...

... there's a Poker Lounge at the Casino where I go in Brighton, and I'm really tempted to try playing poker.

I want to be a cool player, like Erica Schoenberg ... rica%20Schoenberg%202%2060527.jpg
Poker's OK, but brag can be just as much a game of bluff and nerves. Check out teh rules hun - 3-card brag's my fave.
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Ice.Maiden is the perfect name for a card player !!!
I think I'd have preferred a pic of Jennifer till a little higher then her buckle to be honest 2.jpg
You've got to be, haven't you? I've now perfected the "face". Depends on who I'm playing with though. Love it.
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You must have seen this one then, Chuck ... ges/poker_tilly.jpg
shall we just say she does not need to keep a poker face if she is playing a bloke, that is not where they will be looking :)
Thats moi !!

Its so easy to bluff and then double bluff -i bleeding love the game-duck to water -my son was horrified -wa haay !!!!

I am obviously a very decieitful person as even my son was mortified that first second then third time i took him out -we (he) gave up lol

I am the new Helen Chamberlain -(I wish lol))

My son is a s i sai a smart cookie and he thought he would show his mum how to play poker -just to while away the evening -he was totally bluffed -theres no
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I suspect that that was a big part of her tactics.
Lol @ Dris!!!
you are a mum among millions drissy, you must really love that lad.
Jings -not a clue what happened with that post -but I can recommend the Rose (with an acute lol) Tescos have reduced to 2.99 from 5.99 :)

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Poker - does it count as a Sport?

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