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It's that annoying Jayne girl again

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joggerjayne | 10:27 Sun 21st Dec 2008 | Sport
10 Answers
For those of you who are getting irritated by me continually digging out rugby questions ... here are some more ...


Okay, so there was a popular rugby club.

When the club eventually folded, the club had a load of coins in the kitty.

These coins were melted down and made into a cup (cup as in "trophy").

1. Which cup is it?

2. Who plays in the contest to win this cup?

3. Which was the rugby club.

4. What did the club originally offer to its members (and which, when the club stopped offering it, resulted in a catastrophic fall in its membership?



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1) Calcutta Cup

2)England and Scotland

3) no idea.......the Delhi Bellies

4)no idea

Can't we go to bed instead LOL LOL
Question Author
All correct, technically, but definitely YES to 1 and 2.

Thanks jayne, with the pillpws "rucked up" we can watch footie.............will knobby be with us? LOL
3 the calcutta club-in india
4 free booze
Question Author
ya, beeja yuotnr giooreal bj forrrr
real bj for prize

night x xx
thanks for those kind words JJ
-whatever they were
Question Author
Oh crikey, I'm sorry about that post.

Erm ... I'd just got back from a drinks party. Maybe not a good time to go on AB.

Did I really type "real bj for prize" ?

I wonder if beejay will hold me to that? (hold me by the ears, maybe!)
whoops JJ-must have been a good party
Question Author
ha ha ...

Yes. Sunday afternoon drinks party. I was totally ratted when I came home. I should have left the lappy well alone.

But if I was trolleyed, 'twas nought compared with one of my friends, the one I refer to as "Thing1" ... she was absolutely out of her face. It was just the funniest thing. We drank Champagne Cocktails all afternoon, and she was completely and utterly *********. I can't even start to imagine how she got home. It was fab to watch.
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she was

s h i t f a c e d

by the way

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It's that annoying Jayne girl again

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