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famous dad

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ON THE ROAD | 23:45 Mon 29th Dec 2008 | Sport
8 Answers
does anyone know which 2008 olympian has a father who used to race against seb coe.


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Somebody Ovett ?
Morning jayne....Steve Ovett......came from Brighton if I remember lives in Oz.
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Thanks for your replies ....I had already looked at Freddy Ovett but can't prove he was there ..... at the most he will only be thirteen, possibly fourteen, which does't make it impossible, but I'm not sure if he would have qualified at that age
Her name's Katy Livingston, she's a Modern Pentathlete.

See below Profile.aspx?id=6692#

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Thanks very much SeaJayPea I don't think I would have found it .
I had already looked at her as a possibility of being mystery person photo 8.
Is there a link to the quiz you're doing?
Question Author brain/quiz
Sport section picture 8 (no clues you just have to try and find out who it is. If you have not seen it before it is a very tough quiz !!!!!
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Sorry SeaJayPea , should have said photo 10 not 8

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