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Points deduction

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Woody23 | 21:51 Mon 17th May 2010 | Sport
3 Answers
When Southampton were relegated from the Premiership they tried to get their 10 (I think) points deduction made in that season. Because, before deduction, they would have been relegated anyway, the deduction was carried forward to the following season and they started life in the Championship on minus 10.

Will this not happen to Portsmouth?

...or is my memory failing me?? --well it is quite late!


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They should make the punishment automatic relegation, and a points deduction next season.
woody - it looks like Portsmouth will not lose any more points to start in the Championship
Because they knew they would get relegated they tried to "defraud" (wrong choice of word but) the system by going before they had to so therefore avoiding any penalty.

The same thing happened to Chester and I think Rotherham as they did the same.

It won't happen to Portsmouth for two reasons 1) They had to go into administration when they did or they would have been wound up in fact they tried as longs as possible to avoide it. 2) When they got penalised they had a very real chance of staying up.without the penalty they would have finished on 29 points only 6 behind West Ham.

So it was in a very real sense a proper penalty, whereas Southampton would not have been penalised as it wouldn't have altered the outcome of thier relegation.

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Points deduction

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