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Well done, Milwall

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joggerjayne | 20:39 Mon 31st May 2010 | Sport
4 Answers
Well done Milwall (or is it Millwall?)

I see they got promoted. That's jolly.

With Leeds up, and Mil(l)wall up, we won't have so many visiting riffs to contend with in future.


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It's Millwall.
theres gonna b alot of fights between leeds n millwall now that both promoted, wished millwall stayed in league one!
Question Author
Thanks, Mark.

Whitey ... weren't there fights before ?
Well we now have Leeds, Millwall & Cardiff fighting it out EVERYTIME they meet in the Second Tier of Footy, I PREY that they DO NOT get ANY HIGHER !
I swore MANY-MANY Years ago that I would NEVER AGAIN visit any of those 3 grounds, the other, by the way is Manchester City.
I am an ARDENT Life -Long EVERTON Supporter, Born & Bred very close to Goodison Park. I have been to OVER 40 Grounds throughout the U.K & Many Throughout Europe. The Above 4 have SOME ABYSMAL Followers (NOTE;- I did not say supporters!).

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Well done, Milwall

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