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Will the Commonwealth Games go ahead?

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bibblebub | 18:39 Tue 21st Sep 2010 | Sport
7 Answers
For several years there have been doubts about security and now it turns out that the athletes village is in a poor state and one of the newly-built bridges has collapsed. An increasing number of athletes are finding reasons to pull out.

With less than 2 weeks until the games are due to start, do you think that they will be cancelled?


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Can they be cancelled? is there not too much already committed by the nations taking part?
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You are probably right but it wouldn't be a surprise if quite a few individuals pulled out. And if cricket is anything to go by, the Aussies wont be too keen to go there.
They will probably go ahead but become a farce because there will not be the full consignment of competition (bit like the LA Olympics when the Russians pulled out)
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If they do have to cancel it will be a disaster for India, and a fair warning to the UK for the 2012 olympics, despite all the complacent assurances, I am not convinced that all will be ready. Prudentia.
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Is anyone bothered about the Commonwealth Games these days?

There are so many significant international competitions in various sports now compared to a few decades ago, is the Commonwealth Games just of significance to lesser competitors in the main disciplines?

Other than those competing is anyone interested in the traditional sports like bowls?
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There has now also been a ceiling collapse at the weightlifting arena.

The games are looking less likely by the day.

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Will the Commonwealth Games go ahead?

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