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boxtops | 14:44 Sun 13th Mar 2011 | Sport
34 Answers
...until the Calcutta Cup starts - England v Scotland Rugby - I hope you're all ready, with your beer and sarnies!


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Err ...
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England to win by 15 at least!
Hello, K.

Hope you're well.

I still enjoy clicking on all your solutions to other users' conundrums.

J x
We'll keep flicking the channel over to keep updated with the score...........Mrs jth suffers torments watching Scotland play.
I love the expression "Sweaties", LOL

I wish we had a similar "rhyming slang" word for our friends up in Croydon.
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Jack, I'm sorry for my OH that he's working today, but glad he's not having another bad day watching his side lose again..... so I can cheer on my own!
Tindall will get some stick from the mother-in-law if England wins.
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Tindall will get some stick from the MIL if England doesn't win!
Love the fox!! :-))
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Ha, Princess Anne's presenting the cup to whoever wins, so she's either presenting it to her prospective son-in-law, or dropping it on his foot!

Sorry didn't answer as I was watching that poor fox and hoping he was OK

K xx
Cmon Scotland !!
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which fox, Lik?
The fox on the pitch - poor thing must be terrified!
There's been a fox running around the pitch that they've been trying to catch! Just seen it & he/she looks quite worried...
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Naughty, moi?!
fox has been caught, hope he gets released somewhere safe

Ashton to score at least a brace!

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