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Should disabled athletes compete in the regular Olympics?

A man who runs on Carbon blades after having both his legs amputated below the knee is fighting for his right to a place in the Olympics. What do you think?

Results ★

If research has shown that his artificial limbs put him at no advantage he should be able to compete
I don't think he should be allowed to compete. No amount of research could prove he wasn't at an advantage with his artificial limbs - making the competition unfair
There should be some kind of vote amongst athletes and Olympic officials to decide whether they believe it to be fair

A man who runs on Carbon blades after having both his legs amputated below the knee is fighting for his right to a place in the Olympics. What do you think?

Total: 18
A.If research has shown that his artificial limbs put him at no advantage he should be able to compete50.00 %9
B.I don't think he should be allowed to compete. No amount of research could prove he wasn't at an advantage with his artificial limbs - making the competition unfair44.44 %8
C.There should be some kind of vote amongst athletes and Olympic officials to decide whether they believe it to be fair5.56 %1
Stats until: 01:37 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)