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is this a scam

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steak4me | 18:27 Wed 06th Apr 2011 | Computers
13 Answers
Last week I was happily surfing the net when my page blanked out and I got a message from google chrome saying windows had found my computer was infected with trojans and several other viruses. It was saying that several of these were critical and I needed to click the box to remove them. I ignored it and did a full scan with mcafee,, which I have installed and nothing came up. Today the same message came up again and I have ignored it has anyone else had this happen and am I doing right by just ignoring it. thanks


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As the Pit Viper has suggested, it's almost certainly a malware problem. Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware should quickly fix it for you.
v. apt :)
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Thanks guys have ran malwarebytes and it said i had 184 infections so hopefully should have problem solved. Thanks again
Make sure you run malwarebytes on a regular basis.

Maybe once a week.

Note the free version does NOT autorun so you need to run it yourself manually.
I had this last week and Norton found and fixed 38 problems.
I had that problem last weekend, steak.........., Well I had steak as well but I downloaded the free malwarebytes but It now asks for product code which I don't have or purchase. How do you run it for free manually vhg?
Malwarebytes doesn;t ask for a product code. You just open it and click scan.
If the product you've installed is asking for a product code, then it ain't malwarebytes.

Click download free version
Surf using a restricted Windows account. Won't stop everything but it's better than using an Admin account for everything.
I have the free Malwarebytes (and very good it is to) what would be the advatage if any of getting the paid for version?
Thanks rojash, uninstalled malware just in case and installed the free malwarebytes. It took over 2 hours to do a full scan 47 errors quarantined, Hopefully I'm OK now.

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