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copyright symbol

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hollyuk | 09:38 Fri 13th May 2011 | Computers
6 Answers

Can anyone please tell me if there is a copyright symbol on a computer keyboard?(The little circle with the "c" inside).



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Use the character map application to get any symbol you want.
Put numlock on, press and hold down Alt, press 0169, release all.
Or if you have a separate number pad hold down the alt key and type 0169 on the number pad (not the numbers along the top row)

Oppps... too slow :)
If you're in Word, type (c) and it will (assuming you have not disabled it) auto-change that to a copyright symbol.

In HTML, type © and it will display as ©
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Thanks to all. Knew I'd find the answer here!

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copyright symbol

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