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Excel mailmerge

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Barquentine | 12:51 Tue 03rd Jan 2012 | Computers
2 Answers
I have a Word document linked to fields in an Excel spreadsheet. I also inserted a date field into the Word document but it never updates to today's date? This is MS Office 2007. Any idea where I'm going wrong? Thanks


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1) Remove the field

2) Insert it again, but this time make sure you check the "Update automatically" box
12:54 Tue 03rd Jan 2012
1) Remove the field

2) Insert it again, but this time make sure you check the "Update automatically" box
When you inserted the date field there would have been an option to auto update the date on the window where you specified the format.

I'm not sure if you can change it once you've inserted it, but you can simply delete the date field and then add it again making sure you tick the auto update option.

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Excel mailmerge

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