I am thinking of buying an ipad and find they are very much cheaper in the usa (as everything usually is). As we will be in the usa very soon I wonder whether it is possible to buy one there without any major charging issues. I know that they can be charged via a computer, but clearly don't want to cart a laptop around as well when away, rather defeats the object of an ipad. Obviously the electricity output is different in the usa from the uk and europe and wonder if this could be got around. Is there anyone out there who has bought one and how did they get around the power issue.
I bought mine in England, but I did have relatives over from Canada who brought theirs with them and they had no problems charging them here, they did have a surge protector or something like that though, not sure what they're called.
No problem. Most computers can be charged on any voltage system, all that is needed is an adaptor for the different socket.
This is also confirmed by personal experience with an iPad purchased in San Francisco and used daily in UK.
That's good to know, I have used the plug adaptors before but they were just for the plug pin arrangement and had no effect on the voltage. Also, BIGJACK, are there any differences in the apps available on the ones made for the usa market, or do they function in exactly the same way. I know that people do bring their i-pads here when they visit, but this is simply going to be a purchase there because it's cheaper, and will pretty much be used here.
I'm not sure what you mean by this, is it whether apps are different between countries? - I don't think so. I can confirm that when you access the App Store, you use your own account and password, and can purchase regular UK apps.