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"my pictures" problems in windows.

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needawin | 14:33 Wed 11th Apr 2012 | Computers
7 Answers
In "windows" I go into "my pictures" to view my photos. If I want to delete some I click on them and if more than one I hold down Ctrl as normal. Instead of deleting them it duplicates them and so I am ending up I discovered with as many as 50 copies of the one I thought I deleted. Also happens when I try to delete singly. It is driving me nuts.


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don't hold down ctrl, click each pic individually whilst holding ctrl. It will highlight one pic at a time then
Holding down CTRL should be fine.

You've not actually said how you are deleting them, pressing delete, right click select delete, or clicking the delete on the toolbar?

Whichever way, try one of the others.
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I click on the picture and then on the left hand side on "file and folder tasks" and "delete this file".
Pete - simply right click on picture to highlight it and then select delete from the window which appears.
Oh that problem brings back memories - it used to happen to me too! I know exactly what you mean about ending up with hundreds of copies! When you hold down CTRL and click on the next picture, make sure you do a little pause and DON'T make a dragging movement when you move to the next one - it's so easily done. Make the next click more deliberate. It's really hard to explain.
I've seen this with some of my clients - as they click, they move the mouse a tiny bit, which is enough to trigger the drag and drop mechanism.
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Thanks to all. I will let you know the outcome.

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"my pictures" problems in windows.

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