Printer stopped working in The AnswerBank: Computers
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Printer stopped working

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devadiva | 15:07 Mon 06th Aug 2012 | Computers
5 Answers
I have a HP photosmart b110 series all in one printer which has decided not to work anymore. I have HP Solution centre and have been through many questions and answers and have got to a section where I can go no further. I have windows 7 and have been instructed to go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services. Right click on Print Spooler then click on Properties. General Tab, Next to Start Up Type, make sure Automatic is selected-(It is) Service Status click on start then ok. When I click on start nothing happens but next to the Start box is a Stop box and this is highlighted and wont change. On this page it says "You can specify the parameters that apply when you start the service from here" is that relevant and what does it mean?


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you say doesnt work anymore, does it power up ?, if so its probably quicker to first off uninstall the printer and its drivers, turn off PC then reboot , then re-install printer as if new printer and go from there and see what happens.

Is it the printer not printing, is it the software youre printing from not sending to the printer.

does the printer have some utility software that does test prints, do these print ?
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Sorry about the delay in answering - I had to do dinner. The items that I want to print form a queue waiting to be printed. The message does not seem to get to the printer. There is on the printer the ability to do printing tests - these do not work. Reinstalling seems to be the best option but I shall have to get someone in to deal with the wifi side of things
Could it be the wifi signal from the computer not getting through to the printer???
When it happens to me that the printer and computer don't connect with each other and I have a queue of documents,they are being put in store in something called One-note. I have to go back and reinstall my HP as the default printer again. It happens too frequently for my liking,often after I have been away and not used it for several days.
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Printer stopped working

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