I have an HP Deskjet 1050 that indicates PRINT SCAN COPY. I've no problem with Printing and Copying, but where does Scanning come into it? Is it possible to scan a document from the Deskjet 1050 to the computer? Advice appreciated.
There are usually a few different ways to scan. The easiest might be to look is there a scan button on the Deskjet. If so you shout be able to press it and it will scan the document, then on your monitor you will see it asking where you wish to save the scan.
Thanks flobadob, but no there is no scan button. Even so it seems strange that PRINT SCAN COPY are all stamped on as part of the manufacture of the machine. There are just four buttons - the main green one for switching on and off, one with a red X to stop printing if need be, one for copying in black and white, and the other for copying in colour.